Monday, February 5, 2007

Body, Space, and Technology

I went through the website and I saw all the performances under volume seven. I saw the videos and I think they summed up what the internet is about these days. There was a video of Quake 3 and how people were playing online. I think this helps to explain what the internet has become because it demonstrates how people from different places and times can be playing the same game. People meet in a virtual environment to play the game and to have fun. Than you see another videos and they just show how a person is living. It shows footage of a dog and a owner traveling in a car and a footprint filled with water. It just shows everyday life and this view of other lives would not be able to be seen without the internet. The internet helps to connect more people and it allows people to see different perspectives. Yet like Quake 3, it connects people together and allows people to be at the same place at the same time. The two videos of the setup performances also allow the same phenomenon to happen yet the two performances were prepared for. The two set up performances allows more people to view the show, most people would never get to experiences anything like this unless the internet existed. The internet allows people to explore and be amazed by experimental art. It helps to establish a new network and new space to find and enjoy new things.

1 comment:

Creative Voyager said...

Great start! Looking forward to your entries. Kings and Castles Internet2 conjurs up images of Dungeons and Dragons...maybe a place for I2 Fantasies...

Be sure to put the links of your colleagues on your Blogsite and make comments. Also link to the I2 NewsBlog.

You might Blog about 3-4 blogs a week to get caught up...